This bloq allows you to upload a video and add it to a page.

Click on the "add video" button to upload a new video or select one that you uploaded before.  You can upload any size file that is within the total available media space for your account. However, we recommend that you upload video files that are under 200 MB in size because files larger than that may take too long to upload. Most major video formats are accepted except .m4v, but we recommend using a compressed format like .mp4, .mov, or .wmv. If the video file you have is larger than 200 MB, you can change the settings you used to create the file to either use a different format or compress the file more. Here is an example of a video size and bit rate that may work well for your video: 640x360 pixels 400 kbps.

If you uploaded a new video, it will take a few minutes to process. After the video has finished processing, the bloq will automatically use a frame from the video file to display, but you can upload a custom image if you want to have one that you've designed.  Click on the "visual settings" tab and then on the "add image" button to customize the poster image.

Click on the "display functionality" tab if you want to change how the video plays when you click on the link.  You can have the video play on the page itself or play in a little window that opens.

If you don't want the bloq to take up so much space on the page, you can upload a custom button and display that as the link instead of the poster image.  Click on the "visual settings" tab and then on the "add button" button to upload a custom image.  If you decide to use the button option for the video, the player will need to open in a window instead of playing on the page.

Use the "ALIGNMENT" tab to center the content within the column where you placed it or to add a little margin between the content and other content on the page. You'll find a drop-down menu at the bottom where you can set the bloq to be centered. Click "save" at the bottom when you are finished.